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  • Writer's pictureJan Brown

To Sixty and Beyond

A special piece was commissioned to celebrate the 60th birthday of a friend.

I wanted to make this piece a personal journey that would bring meaning and life into the sculpture.

Starting with the first decade of life, as a growing period similar to a tree with the rings of life and I continued from there. Bringing in the memory of meeting their partner, freedom of discovering life and also their family.

Many years of study, achieving goals in life and work and how it all came together. Now the freedom of life beyond working.

All the pieces were linked together finally....phew....and had the movement and life I was aiming for.

The best part was the joy the sculpture gave to both people ..and a few tears. It will now hang outside their Pottery Studio and hopefully I will get a photo soon of the instal. It was fun and also a privilege to be part of their journey.

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